Blue/Green Kyanite and Sunstone Necklace

Blue/Green Kyanite and Sunstone Necklace


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This necklace is made by alternating 1/2" rectangular Kyanite beads, 4mm flat circle Sunstone beads and antique Sterling Silver spacer beads and finished off with a Sterling Silver toggle clasp. The necklace, including clasp, is approximately 18 1/2" long.

Kyanite: Excellent for attunement and meditation. Stimulates psychic abilities and intuition. Connects to spirit guides and instills compassion. Facilitates dream recall. Encourages speaking one’s truth. Cuts through fears, blockages and ignorance.

Sunstone: Joyful and light inspiring. Helps you to nurture yourself & let the real self shine through happily. Linked to the benevolent gods & to luck and good fortune. Brings about profound connection to light & the regenerative powers of the sun during meditation & everyday life. Facilitates self empowerment, independence, vitality, optimism and enthusiasm. Reverses feelings of failure & increases self worth & confidence.

Each piece comes with a small packet of sage for smudging, crystal meaning cards and care and cleaning instructions.