Charoite and Lemon Chrysoprase Bracelet

Charoite and Lemon Chrysoprase Bracelet


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This bracelet is made from 1/2" Charoite nuggets and 4mm Lemon Chrysoprase rondelles and is finished off with a Sterling Silver toggle clasp. Bracelet, including clasp, is approximately 8" in length.

Charoite: Stimulates inner vision and spiritual insight. Cleanses aura. Facilitates acceptance of others. Releases deep fears. Bestows drive, vigor, spontaneity and reduces stress and worry. Encourages service to humanity.

Chrysoprase: Imparts sense of being apart of the Devine whole. Promotes love of truth, hope and gives emotional insight. Stimulates creativity. Useful for forgiveness and compassion. Promotes security and trust. Stimulates fluent speech and mental dexterity allowing you to think before you speak.

Each piece comes with a small packet of sage for smudging, crystal meaning cards and care and cleaning instructions.